The International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease was recently held in Chicago. New studies and information were revealed about the disease. There are some new treatments that show promise in research and that may be available for use within the next few years. The conference also focused on the best treatment practices for those suffering from the disease. One issue that strikes a nerve is the way caregivers and family communicate with Alzheimer’s patients. There is a tendency to view those with even mild levels of dementia as child-like. You, as an elder, may have already experienced someone treating you “gently” as if you were an ignorant little child. New research shows that this is poor behavior and should not be tolerated. The study showed that Alzheimer’s patients who are talked to like children or worse yet, with “baby talk” do not respond well to treatment. They often resist treatment and may even fight with their caregivers. This may be a nor...
This blog is written by Elder Law Attorney, Edward H. Adamsky. You will find articles about Elder Law, Estate Planning, Special Needs, Disability, Alzheimer's Disease, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, and other issues of important to families and elders.