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Showing posts from June, 2010

NAELA Members lobby congress

On June 15, 2010, more than 20 NAELA members from 11 states travelled to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to meet with U.S. Representatives and Senators offices to discuss issues of importance to older adults. Together, participants visited 36 offices in order to highlight the importance of issues such as appropriations for the Elder Justice Act, the need for an extension of an increased federal match for Medicaid, and patient self-determination (advance care planning. This was the old-fashioned kind of lobbying in which concerned citizens (or in this case the lawyers who work for elder citizens) directly spoke with their representatives about their issues of concern. Everyone could participate in this kind of lobbying just by calling or writing their member of Congress. If you have issues you would like to advocate, and don't want to do so yourself, consider contact a NAELA member and asking them to bring the subject up at the nest "Hill Day."

Who will make your life-or-death decision? -

Who will make your life-or-death decision? - This CNN article tries to explain the difference between a living Will and a Health Care Proxy (or Power of Attorney for Health Care.) The most telling point is that estimates are that only about 30% of American's have any sort of advanced directive or proxy. This is one of the most vital planning tools you can have. You must have one in place, and you must update it if your circumstances change. The article is about Gary Coleman and his ex-wife was named as his agent. She decided to withhold treatment ("pull the plug") when he had only been in a coma for one day. She had that authority and the doctors followed her orders. You need to understand what your documents say and what (if anything) state law says about divorcing. Some state laws negate any references to an ex-spouse, while some do not. See your Estate Planning/Elder Law Attorney right away if you do not have a Health Care Proxy.