It's official. The Social Security Administration has announced that there will be no increase in 2010 SS checks. The annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is based on inflation and last year the number was negative (deflation). Checks won't go down, but they won't go up either. It is still not clear what will happen if Medicare Part B costs go up. There is a rule that checks cannot go down, so some adjustment may have to be made. Keep your eyes and ears out for more news.
It's clearly Spring around here. On the way to work this morning I saw several groups of Turkeys. In each group there was at least one male presenting his tail for the females. This looks like the classic picture you see of a Turkey around Thanksgiving with his big tail unfurled like a peacock. But, you won't see that in November, it is courting behavior used in the Spring to find a mate. Imagine if we humans had some sort of mating system like that. The males puff themselves up, furl out their tails and strut around waiting for a female to find them attractive ... that would be something ... oh, wait! Three Turkeys at my Bird Feeder - April 2011 (C) Edward Adamsky, 2011