The New Hampshire Hampshire Family Voices has announced an upcoming program called "Perfection NOT Required a conference For Parents and Youth!". It will be held on April 14, 2012 at the Margate in Laconia, New Hampshire.
Raising a child with disabilities or chronic health needs can be stressful. Being a teen with special challenges can be tough as well. NH Family Voices teams up with life coach, Chris Trout and the YEAH Council to gain insights, learn new skills and take some of the pressure off!
Chris Trout, founder of Strengths in Focus, will keynote and be a group facilitator to guide attendees with stories, research and humor to understand the life-changing power of perceptions.
This conference promises to be a day of learning and sharing with breakouts for parents and youth ages 14-25.
Topics include: understanding behavior, independent living, App's for new learning, and of course, letting go of perfection.
To see a description of breakouts and to register please go to Cost is only $10 and includes lunch! Questions: Email Erika at NH Family Voices: